Company Details

Company Number: 08927924

VAT Number: GB 180867675

Phone: 01695575812 (9.00am - 5.00pm)

Address: LeoMay Ltd t/a North West Flags, Malthouse Business Centre, 48 Southport Road, Ormskirk, L39 1QR, GB.


About Us

North West Flags is a husband & wife team - Alan & Kirsty, based in Ormskirk, Lancashire, which unsurprisingly is in the North West of England.

The origins of North West Flags goes back to 2008. Alan created our first website, and Kirsty was in charge of order packing and customer services. The company quickly grew and in 2010 the company was re-structured to form a partnership. Continued growth meant that in 2014 the company became a Limited company Leomay Ltd (T/A North West Flags).

In 2017 due to expansion, we outgrew our existing office and moved to our now current unit in the Malthouse Business Center, Ormskirk, which gives us plenty of storage space to stock our ever expanding range of products

Our products are sourced locally and from around the world with quality in mind. We try to go the extra mile for our customers, and will always go out of our way to ensure that our customers receive the most positive experience when shopping with us.

We always keep good stock levels on site, which enables us to offer quick delivery and next day service when required.

If you cannot see what you require on the site please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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